OVFRD Grounds Cleanup Day
A big OVFRD “Thank You” to OVFRD Grounds Committee Chair Skip Strickler for organizing the grounds work around the station on Sunday, March 12th. Pictured L to R are members: Steve Hiner, Bill Jackson (neighbor), George Gianaris, Becky Benoit, Jonathan Ressler, Taylor Goodman, Lew Burkholder and Skip Strickler. Present but not in this photo: Ted Holbrook and Jim Kudla. Thank you for coming out on such a gray, chilly morning to clean up our landscaping and apply mulch to needed areas. We had a great time, and we finished just as the snow began!
Skip and his grounds team are awesome… as are all our OVFRD volunteers! Come join us! Send an email to: info@ovfrd.org