One week after Hurricane Agnes in June of 1972, the need for a fire department in the Orlean area became apparent. The Payne house, which is located near Thumb Run Church, caught fire. Linda Riley, a neighbor, called Janie and Herman Harlow for help saying that Henry Hickerson was fighting a house fire alone with a garden hose. Janie, Herman, and Harlan Greqg immediately went to help. Using a bucket brigade they brought water from Henry Hickerson’s house, which was located down the road. Within 15 to 30 minutes firefighters and equipment arrived from Marshall, Warrenton, and New Baltimore. The house was saved with a minimum of damage.  The laundry room, which was an addition to the main structure, was destroyed.

The community again became aware of the need for a local fire department three weeks later when the Wince/Nelson house located North of Orlean burned. The nearest Fire Department was 15 to 20 minutes away.

Petitions were circulated in the Orlean stores and over sixty-five people signed, to express their interest and support for, the formation of a local Fire Company. After many hours of discussion around dining room tables it was advertised that an organizational meeting would be held on August 7 in Henry Hickerson’s garage.

About fifty men met with the common interest of starting a volunteer fire company to serve the Orlean area. Henry Pearson served as the chairman and he described the requirements. Elections were then held with John Bauserman elected as President; Henry Hickerson, First vice-president; William Doellar, Second vice-president; Martin Kremer, Secretary/Treasurer; and Wyman Hall, Chaplain. The men discussed who would be line officers, agreeing that the person with the most experience should be Chief. Herman Harlow was elected to this position with the following officers: Jack Ridgeway, Assistant Chief; John Bauserman, Captain; Richard Gregg, First Lieutenant; Jim Strother, Second Lieutenant; Leroy Ryan, Chief Mechanic. Henry Hickerson then warned the men that, “We can’t put out any fires. All we can do is hold. That’s about all we’re gonna do in the first year. But if we can hold that fire for ten minutes, for Marshall to get here, then we’re ahead of the game.”

In the ensuing year the membership was quite busy raising funds for trucks, equipment, and a building. This required hard work and dedication on the part of the members and the community who supported them. A Ladies Auxiliary was formed to assist the men in their endeavors.

In September of 1972, the treasury contained $3,087.00. A rough draft of the Constitution and By-laws had been distributed to the members. The Orlean Volunteer Fire Department had been accepted as part of the Fauquier Fire-Rescue Association. Marshall Volunteer Fire Department offered to sell the company a used fire truck for $1.00 along with various pieces of equipment. The Building committee presented a preliminary sketch of the firehouse as drawn by Albert P. Hinckley, Jr. AIA. It included two bays, a meeting room, office, kitchen, and restrooms.

A final sketch of the building as designed by Albert P. Hinckley, Jr. AIA was shown to the membership at a special meeting in September .The new design had three bays and a larger meeting room, plus an office, kitchen, and restrooms. The new building would contain approximately 3,000 square feet. President John Bauserman appointed the following building committee chairmen: Superintendents -Elwood Moore and James Hackley; Electrical -Tom Davis; Roofing -Gene Ashby; Plumbing -Jack Ridgeway; and purchasing -Henry Hickerson.

Construction of the fire station began in the fall of 1972 under the direction of Elwood Moore and James Hackley. Two of the oldest members, Marshall Putnam and Henry Hickerson, were the most faithful co-workers. Both men were at the site every day as long as there was work to be done. They performed any and all physical tasks they were asked to do.

By November 1972 the bay section of the building walls had been partially raised and the concrete floor had been poured. The entire original building was totally built by members who volunteered their time. Through the generosity or the Sterling Park Fire Company the company received a gift or an American-LaFrance fire truck and ten used helmets. The Constitution and By-laws were accepted and ratified by the membership.

A 5 H.P. single-phase house siren was ordered in December. IBM, through Jim Feeley, generously donated $950.00 toward the purchase of the siren. Ralph Lawler was put in charge of finding a tanker truck in January of 1973. William Doellar donated an International Scout to the company in February for the company to use or sell. At a special meeting in February following a report from the tanker committee, the company accepted a motion to purchase a 1957 Ford.

Herman Harlow gave a report from the Equipment Committee in March. The company had received $14,000.00 in donated equipment. Additionally, $3,500.00 had been used on equipment purchases. The International Scout was to be kept for use as a brush truck. Additional funds would be needed to complete the building and for operations. A motion was made to borrow $20,000.00 using a deed of trust on the property as collateral. $15,000.00 to be used for the building, and $5,000.00 to be used for operations of the company. The building committee recommended that a basement be incorporated as part of the remaining part of the building. The basement would be used as a garage for the brush truck.

In May 1973 the quorum was set as one-third of the membership currently listed on the membership rolls. It was decided to adopt a fiscal year starting 1 August and ending 31 July of each year. A Parade Committee was appointed consisting of Herman Harlow, Elwood Moore, and Jack Ridgeway.

In July, nominations were held for officers for 1973-74 elections to be held at the August meeting. President -William Doellar; Vice President -Henry Pearson; Secretary/Treasurer -Fred Wayland, Jr.; Chaplain -Wyman Hall; Chief -John Bauserman, Herman Harlow, Jack Ridgeway; Assistant Chief -Jack Ridgeway; Captain -Wayne Wilson; First Lieutenant -Elwood Moore, Leroy Ryan; Second Lieutenant -Tom Davis, Charles Woodzell; Chief Mechanic -Leroy Ryan, Herman Harlow, John Bauserman; Three Year Director -David Ferguson, John Bauserman, Albert Hinckley; Two Year Director -David Ferguson, Albert Hinckley, John Bauserman, Ralph Lawler, Jim Feeley; One Year Director – Rudasill Hume, Jim Feeley, Albert Campbell.

In August Chief Herman Harlow gave the report for the preceding year. There were 486 total hours of training, including, 400 classroom hours in Amissville, five fire calls, and a total of 356 in miles traveled. The following were elected to serve as officers for the year 1973-74. President -William Doellar; Vice President -Henry Pearson; Secretary/Treasurer -Fred Wayland, Jr.; Chaplain – Wyman Hall; Fire Chief -Herman Harlow; Assistant Fire Chief -Jack Ridgeway; Captain -John Bauserman; First Lieutenant -Elwood Moore; Second Lieutenant – Wayne Wilson; Chief Mechanic -Leroy Ryan; Three Year Director -David Ferguson; Two Year Director -Albert Hinckley; One Year Director -Rudasill Hume.

The building construction continued. It was reported in September of 1974 that Gene Ashby was starting on the roof. There was a change in the quorum, now twenty-four members attending a meeting would constitute a quorum. President Doellar said the directors and line officers would meet as a Board of Directors me on the Monday night preceding the regular business meeting. The company sent an entry to the Amissville VFD parade where it won a trophy. A special resolution was prepared and presented to give Henry Hickerson honorary membership with the privileges of a regular member.

In October of 1974, a motion was presented to the membership by the Board of Directors that, “as a matter of policy, all donations (e.g. money, equipment, or supplies) be handled through the Treasurer.” This motion was seconded and passed. The Membership Committee was directed to review the attendance record and membership rolls in order to make a recommendation concerning non-attending members. A 280-gallon gasoline tank and pump were installed.

In November the Membership Committee recommended that a voting member should attend two-thirds of the business meetings. A member may be excused from two of the required meetings. Legal representative John Wine advised that changes be made in the Articles of Incorporation. This would allow the company to conform to IRS requirements in order to maintain tax-exempt status. The revised articles were unanimously accepted.

In 1976 the Equipment Committee recommended the purchase of $221.00 worth of equipment. The brush truck would be ready to use by March. A radio and pump were purchased for the brush truck. It was reported that the meeting room and basement would be finished in the spring. By April there was a need for a Grounds Committee to take care of the grass cutting. The roof was primed by May. It was discovered that the existing water supply was not adequate to meet the needs of the station. A new well was drilled in June. The end of the year report stated that there were a total of twenty-four calls. The calls consisted of false alarms – 2; house fires – 5; chimney fires; -2; shed or barn fires – 2; brush fires – 8 car or equipment fires – 2; tree fires –1; assist other companies – 1; disaster drill -1. The total number of miles traveled was 493.

The following were elected to serve as officers for the year 1974-75. President – Rudasill Hume; Vice President -William Dcellar; Secretary/Treasurer -Tom Davis; Chaplain -Dick Hume; Fire Chief -Jack Ridgeway; Assistant Fire Chief -John Bauserman; Captain -Berman Harlow; First Lieutenant -Marshall Putnam; Second Lieutenant -James Feeley; Chief Mechanic -Carleton Ridgeway; and Three Year Director -Henry Hickerson.

July 4, 1975
“As president of the Orlean Volunteer Fire Department, I am required to make a report at this annual meeting. I can only thank every member of this department for their hard work and sincere effort in performing their various duties this past year .The firefighters are to be commended for their quick response and excellent record in extinguishing fires in our community. We took office in August of 1974 and found a well organized operation, indicating our predecessors had worked tirelessly through the growing pains of  this organization. I hope we accomplished a few things this year that will benefit the company in the future.

1. Completed our building
2. Started landscaping the grounds
3. Initiated a long range finance plan
4. Made plans for Use and Rent of building and grounds by others
5. Revised the Constitution and By-laws
6. Purchased several pieces of small equipment

I have always felt a large working membership was necessary for the continued success or this company. Therefore, the loss of several members for non-attendance during the year was a big disappointment. Thanks to the members who served as Officers and Committeemen and the best of luck to the incoming officers.”

Thomas R. Hume Jr., President

The following were elected to serve as officers for the year 1975-76: President -Rudasill Hume; Vice President -Jim Feeley; Secretary -Mike Fisk; Treasurer -Tom Davis; Chaplain -Dick Hume; Fire Chief -Jack Ridgeway; Assistant Fire Chief -John Bauserrnan; Captain – Elwood Moore; First Lieutenant -Marshall Putnam; Second Lieutenant -Wayne Wilson; Chief Mechanic -Earl Brown; and Three Year Director -Wesley Blackwell.

In April of 1976, First Lieutenant Marshall Putnam organized a Junior Fire Company with nine members. Most of these young people came from a Crest Hill Boy Scout Troop led by Albert Campbell. The fire engine was out of service with motor problems, and was placed back in service in June. The brush truck was repaired and put into service. The company discussed the purchase of a new pumper or mini-pumper. The Equipment Committee recommendation was to purchase a multi-purpose tanker to replace the existing one and a mini-pumper to replace the brush truck. The company decided that officers would wear white helmets, firefighters would wear black helmets, and juniors would wear red helmets. Bingo night was begun as a means to raise money and proved to be a success. Other successful fund raising events were a ham and oyster dinner held in March, a mini carnival held in May, and an auction held in July.

Chief Jack Ridgeway reported on the fire company’s activities for 1975-76. There were a total of 45 calls: 13 structure fires; 16 brush fires; 6 chimney fires; 7 auto accidents; 1 auto fire; 1 cat rescue; and 1 snake removal from a bedroom. The total miles traveled were 851.

August 6, 1976
SUBJECT:  Annual Report to the Orlean Volunteer Fire Department
I thank everyone connected with the department for their work and interest
during the past year. The active firemen again deserve
much credit for their work in controlling and extinguishing fires in our community.
All the Officers & Committeemen excelled in performing their respective duties. Among our many accomplishments this year, I feel the three (3) most noteworthy are:
1.             Retired all debts against our organization.
2.             Organized the Junior Fire Company.
3.             Initiated plans to purchase a new truck.
I have thanked the ladies auxiliary for their support during the past year. Best of luck to the Company & All Incoming Officers next year:

Thomas R. Hume, President

In September of 1976, Henry Pearson resigned from the company due to his health. At that time he had collected $8,131.50 and pledges of $2,200.00 for the purchase of a new fire truck. He was made an Honorary Member of the company in December 1976. The new truck account contained nearly $10,000.00. The Equipment Committee and the Fire Chief were designated to purchase the new truck.

It was reported that the company had received a plaque from Colonel Hinckley, which was to be installed by Elwood Moore. Fund-raisers for the year included a ham & oyster dinner, carnival, auction and bingos. It was approved by the membership that a local troop of Boy Scouts be allowed to use the hall for meetings.

The following Senior Members attended Fire School: Earl Brown, 22.5 hours; Wayne Wilson, 30 hours; Elwood Moore, 30 hours; John Wine, 1.5 hours. Juniors who have attended were: Charles Hahn, 30 hours; Sandy McCullough, 30 hours; Tony Barron, 15 hours; Larry Settle, 15 hours; and William Settle, 15 hours.

First Lieutenant Marshall Putnam reported that the Junior Fire Company had developed a set of By-laws, effective December 1976. Tony Barron, Larry Settle, Tony Anderson and Rodney Anderson advanced from Junior Members to Senior Members upon their eighteenth birthdays. In July of 1977, Junior Members were listed on the Senior Members roster for insurance purposes.

Chief Jack Ridgeway reported that during the previous year (1976-77) there were thirty-eight (38) calls; 9 structure fires; 13 brush fires; 5 car accidents; 2 truck fires; 1 electrical fire; 1 false alarm. Also, a total of 389 miles were traveled. He also said, “It has been a pleasure working with the company another year as Chief.”

The following individuals were elected to serve as officers for the year 1977-78: President -John Wine; Vice President -Clif McClanahan; Secretary -Jim Feeley; Treasurer -Tom Davis; Chaplain -Carlton Curtis; Fire Chief -Elwood Moore; Assistant Fire Chief -Herman Harlow; Captain -Earl Brown; First Lieutenant -Marshall Putnam; Second Lieutenant -Carlton Ridgeway; Chief Mechanic -Jack Furr; and Three Year Director -Rudasill Hume.

A special meeting was held in August of 1977 to discuss the purchase of a 1,000-gallon tanker truck with a 750 gallon per minute mid-ship pump on a 1978 F800 Ford Chassis. The Equipment committee recommended that Marshall Motors be the supplier for the chassis at a cost of $13,569.00. American Fire Apparatus Company was recommended to build a body at a cost of $24,100.00. The total cost would be $37,669.00. These expenditures were approved by the membership.

During 1977-78 paneling and a chair rail was installed in the meeting room along with curtains at the corner glass doors. Bingo night was continued. The Ladies Auxiliary made a $2,000.00 donation to the company. The company decided to sell smoke detectors as a fundraiser for the new tanker. Fire chief Elwood Moore reported that there had been thirty-one calls during the prior.

President John Wine said that; “he had enjoyed being President, did not accomplish all that he wanted to, but learned a lot on how to accomplish these goals. He also expressed his appreciation for the support and help of each member. He recommended (1) that the company work on income-producing activities, (2) that we continue to realize why we are here, and what we are doing.” He also stated that  he hopes we get the new truck this year.”

The annual elections were held with the following results; President John Wine; Vice President -Clif  McClanahan; Secretary -James Feeley; Treasurer -Tom Davis; Chaplain –Carleton Curtis; Fire Chief -Elwood Moore; Assistant Fire Chief -Herman Harlow;  Captain -Jack Ridgeway; First Lieutenant -Marshall Putnam; Second Lieutenant -Earl Brown ; Chief Mechanic – Wayne Wilson; and Three Year Director -John Bauserman. These people were installed to serve for the year 1978-79.

In September of 1978 a letter from American Fire Equipment Company was received reporting that the truck and pump were being built. The new truck was ready for delivery in October. The membership voted to sell the old tanker for $1,000.00 without lights and siren. Various small equipment purchases for the new truck were made during the year.

The membership continued to be quite busy with the following fund raisers: a ham & oyster dinner, an auction, and a door-to-door fund raising campaign which was later changed to a  mail campaign. Bingo night continued. The fifth Annual Banquet was presented by the Ladies Auxiliary in April.

In February 1979, the following changes were made in the Executive Board, John Wine resigned as President for personal reasons and Mike Fisk was elected to finish the term. Bruce Williams joined the company as a Junior Member in April.

President’s Annual Report for the Year 1978-1979
I. Highlights
A. New Members -Seven new members joined the fire department during the year. One Junior Member was promoted to Active Member.
B. Fund Raising
1. Ham and oyster dinner -A very successful affair, thanks especially to the efforts of Al and Ethel Campbell and to Earl Brown for his efficient operation of the kitchen.
2. Fund Drive -A successful mail campaign was conducted. Thanks to Jim Feeley who basically ran this campaign by himself.
3. Auction -Biggest and best yet, thanks to Rudy Hume and all who helped him.
C. Pumper /Tanker
1. Delivery of new truck
2.Payoff of loan on new truck
3. Sale of old tanker
II. Recommendations
A. Continue the three major fund raising activities.
B. Make the fund drive a door-to-door campaign to make it more successful.
C. Buy a commercial deep fryer for use during our ham and oyster dinner.
D. Help out more with Ladies Auxiliary affairs.
E. Have an open house in the near future to burn the loan documents on new truck and to recognize the community for their donations.
F. Continue efforts to bring in new members. Remember the more hands, the less work an individual has to do.
III. Recognitions
A. John Wine for his serving as President during the first half of the year.
B. Elwood and Eleanor Moore for their time and effort spent on keeping the Bingo fund raiser running.
C. Marshall Putnam for everything.
D. Ladies Auxiliary (especially for their $3,000.00 donation).
E. All officers and committee members that served so well during the past year.
F. A special thanks to all members who took an active role in fighting fires.
G. Last but not least to the community for support, which we could not to function without.
IV. Conclusion
It has been a pleasure to serve as your president during the past half year and my only concern is that I did not serve you longer and better. It is with regrets that I will not be able to read this report in person. Thanks very much for your support and hope that you all give your next president the same support.

Miles B. (Mike) Fisk

The following were elected to serve as officers for the year 1979-80 President -Rudasill Hume; Vice President -Jack Ridgeway; Secretary -Jim Feeley; Treasurer -Tom Davis; Chaplain -Carlton Curtis; Fire Chief -Elwood Moore; Assistant Chief -Herman Harlow; Captain -John Wine; First Lieutenant -Marshall Putnam; Second Lieutenant -Earl Brown; Chief Mechanic -John Payne; and Three year Director -Clif McClanahan. Rudasill Hume resigned as One Year Director. Jack Williams was elected as One Year Director.

It was proposed that we conduct a ceremonial “note burning” at the Ladies Auxiliary Dinner in November 1980. This motion was passed.. Henry Hickerson indicated he would donate a light to be placed next to the parking lot. In November, John Payne resigned as Chief Mechanic and Tom Davis was elected to finish the year. Fund raisers approved for the year were mail and door-to-door campaign, an auction and the ham and oyster dinner. The Ways and Means Committee was directed at a special meeting held in November to decide on the future of Bingo night. Bingo continued until it was cancelled in April due to declining participation.

The State made new regulations for Junior Fire Fighters. They can no longer ride on apparatus before they are sixteen years of age. They also must have thirty hours of training before being able to ride a truck when be between the ages of sixteen and eighteen. Junior Members have to be over eighteen years old to go to structure fires. They would also need a work release when under eighteen years of age.
Chief Moore clarified a policy that in the absence of a line officer, the driver of the first truck at the scene would be in charge until the arrival of a line officer. The line officer should report to the driver in order to transfer control to the line officer.

The base radio was struck by lightning in April or May and would have a two-week repair time. The quorum was changed from thirteen members present to ten members present. An American flag and a Virginia flag with stands were purchased for the meeting room. New lamps were purchased and installed in the meeting room. The company had 39 calls for the year.

At the annual meeting, the following individuals were elected as officers for 1980-81: Rudasill Hume – President; Kent Goff -Vice President; Secretary -Jim Feeley; Treasurer -Tom Davis; Chaplain -Carlton Curtis; Fire Chief -Elwood Moore; Assistant Chief -Herman Harlow; Captain – Wayne Wilson; First Lieutenant -John Payne; Second Lieutenant -Harvey Grimsley; Chief Mechanic – Billy Jenkins; and Three Year Director -Jack Williams.

Approved fund-raisers for the year 1980-81 were ham & oyster dinner, an auction, and a contribution drive. A water cooler was purchased by the Junior Members and installed. There was a proposal for an identification sign to be located in front of the station, which would be made of wood with routed letters. There was a possibility  that a fire school course would be taught at the High School. In January of 1981, Sherry Shaw and Bettsy McCullough applied for membership. They were both accepted as members in the spring.

Labor laws forbid Junior Members ages sixteen and seventeen from entering burning structures, and Juniors Members ages fourteen and fifteen years were not  to support firefighting activities. Junior Members sixteen and seventeen years were permitted to ride fire trucks after thirty hours of training. As of April 1981, Bruce Williams could ride on fire trucks since he was over sixteen years of age, and had sufficient training hours. There were 45 calls for the year.

The following members were elected to serve as officers for 1981-82:  Kent Goff –President; Billy Jenkins -Vice President; Jim Feeley – Secretary; Harry McConnall –Treasurer; Carlton Curtis –Chaplain; Elwood Moore -Fire Chief; Harvey Grimsley -Assistant Chief; Wayne Wilson -Captain; John Payne -First Lieutenant; Jack Furr -Second Lieutenant; Billy Jenkins -Chief Mechanic; and Three Year Director -John Bauserman.

The Building Committee met with the Ladies Auxiliary about future plans for a new kitchen. The new sign was installed in  front of the station. It was constructed of wood with routed lettering and mounted on masonry posts. The Junior Department presented Fire Chief Elwood Moore with a white leather fire helmet. As of October of 1981, Junior Member Bruce Williams had completed one hundred twelve (112) hours of fire school. A John Deere lawn mower was purchased in April. In June of 1982 Jackson Williams was made an Honorary Member. There were 51 calls for the year. 16 accidents, 9 field fires, 11 structure fires, 6 public service, 2 rescue, 6 chimney fires, and 1 vehicle fire.

The following individuals were elected to serve as officers for 1982-83: President -Kent Goff; Vice President -Billy Jenkins; Secretary -Jim Feeley; Treasurer Harry McConnell; Chaplain -Carlton Curtis; Fire Chief Elwood Moore; Assistant Chief -Harvey Grimsley; Captain -John Payne; First Lieutenant – Bill Miller; Second Lieutenant -Harry McConnell; Chief Mechanic -Dave Shaw; and hree Year Director -Bill Miller.

Charter Member and current Fire Chief Elwood Moore passed away. Elections were held in November to elect a new Fire Chief and to fill the vacancies created through the elections. Harvey Grimsley was elected to serve as Fire Chief; John Payne was elected to serve as Assistant Chief; and Billy Jenkins was elected to serve as Captain.

In December the Ladies Auxiliary asked the Building Committee to consider the enlargement and improvement of the kitchen facilities. The Ladies Auxiliary had already saved $10,000.00 toward this project. The estimated cost was $20,000.00. The Company questioned placing a basement under the addition. A motion was made in February to include a basement under the addition to house a fire truck if necessary. Two months later, drawings of the proposed addition were approved by the Ladies Auxiliary. The reinstitution of Bingo night was discussed. Bruce Williams advanced from Junior to Senior Member following his eighteenth birthday.

The following members were elected to serve as officers for the year 1983-84: Kent Goff –President; Bettsy Fraser -Vice President; Jim Feeley -Secretary; Harry McConnell -Treasurer; Carlton Curtis -Chaplain; Harvey Grimsley -Fire Chief; John Payne -Assistant Chief; Billy Jenkins –Captain; Dave Shaw – First Lieutenant; Harry McConnell -Second Lieutenant; Herman Harlow – Chief Mechanic; and Marshall Putnam -Three Year Director.

There was discussion of the new addition and the height of the basement ceiling, questioning whether a fire truck would fit. Also discussed was the need for air conditioning in both the old and new sections of the building. In October, there was a dinner presented by the Ladies Auxiliary and the Annual Banquet. Bingo night was reinstituted in November. The Company began assisting Warrenton and Marshall Rescue Squads with medical responses. The installation of an emergency number system (911) was discussed at the Fire Rescue Association in May. Updated drawings of the building addition were presented in July by Dennis Passmore. Also discussed was the purchase of a new truck to replace the engine and the brush trucks. By amendment to the By-laws Junior Members would b e allowed one collective vote for each elected office at the Annual Meeting.

Elections were held with the following to serve as officers for 1984-85. President -John Payne; Vice President -Bettsy Fraser; Secretary – Jim Feeley; Treasurer -Harry McConnell; Chaplain -Carlton Curtis; Fire Chief – Harvey Grimsley; Assistant Chief -John Payne; Captain -Bruce Williams; First Lieutenant – Bettsy Fraser; Second Lieutenant -Tom Price, Chief Mechanic – Dave Hilliard; and Three Year Director -Harry McConnell.

Construction of the new addition to the station began. The project was to be completed by the spring of 1985. The Company received a very generous donation from the Warland Payne Family, which was used toward the new addition. A plaque was placed on the wall indicating that the addition was made possible through the generous donations of the Warland Payne Family and the community. Through the efforts of Duke Bland, the Company received a donation of a used van from C&P Telephone Company which will be used as a utility vehicle.

The following members were elected to serve as officers for 1985-86. John Payne –President; Jim Feeley -Vice President; Bettsy Fraser –Secretary; Harry McConnell -Treasurer; Carlton Curtis –Chaplain; John Payne-Fire Chief ; Harvey Grimsley -Assistant Chief; Duke Bland -Captain; Billy Jenkins -First Lieutenant; Julie Price -Second Lieutenant; Dave Hilliard -Chief Mechanic; and Three Year Director -Herman Harlow.

In 1985 the building addition was finished, and the Building Fund was closed. An Open House was held in November to showcase the new addition. A Halloween Party for the children in the community was held, organized by Judy O’Connor. In October Herman Harlow, Barry McConnell, and Duke Bland were appointed to consider the purchase of a new truck. They indicated to the membership that a brush truck would be needed. With the approval of the membership, a brush truck was ordered in December and delivered in April. The Ladies Auxiliary and IBM, through Harry McConnell, made a generous donation of $3,000.00 each to be used for the purchase of the truck. The company also borrowed $13,000.00. There were a total of 54 calls for the year.

The following were elected to serve as officers for 1986-87. John Payne President; Jim Feeley –Vice President; Bettsy Fraser –Secretary; Sue Wilkerson –Treasurer; Carlton Curtis –Chaplain; John Payne -Fire Chief; Bruce Williams -Assistant Chief; Duke Bland –Captain; Greg Beach -First Lieutenant; Dave Hilliard -Second Lieutenant; Dave Hilliard – Chief Mechanic; and Marshall Putnam -Three Year Director.

The Company was quite busy in 1986-87. In addition to answering 87 calls, the sign at the entrance was replaced. One of the fund-raisers was a donkey basketball game played against members of  the Warrenton Volunteer Fire Department. A Halloween party was provided for the community. The loan on the brush truck was paid in full in December. A 1,200-gallon portable water tank was purchased in April and Greg Beach built a rack for it on the tanker. The fence around the property was replaced. Jim Jones (now Chief) joined the company in 1987. A flagpole was ordered that would be erected in the memory of Charter Member Jackson Williams.

The following individuals were elected to serve as officers for 1987-88. Jim Feeley  – President; Rudasill Hume –Vice President; Bettsy Fraser –Secretary; Sue Wilkerson –Treasurer; Carlton Curtis – Chaplain; John Payne -Fire Chief; Bruce Williams -Assistant Chief; Greg Beach –Captain; Julie Price -First Lieutenant; Dave Hilliard -Second Lieutenant; Billy Jenkins. -Chief Mechanic; and Rudasill Hume -Three Year Director.

The flagpole and a plaque were dedicated to the memory of Charter Member Jackson Williams in October of 1987. Also in October, a siren platform was mounted onto two adjacent poles giving us a siren and a backup siren. A very successful Halloween party was held for the third year. A special meeting was called in November to discuss the purchase of a new (to us) fire truck. The cost, method of payment and the future of the existing fire engine we also considered. The new fire truck was a 1968 cab-over model  obtained from  the Centreville V.F.D. at a purchase price of $5,000.00. The purchase was made and the truck was placed into service in January of 1988. A dry hydrant was installed at the Herman Harlow residence north of the station on Route 688. The back step on the brush truck was redesigned. There were 105 calls for the past  year.

Those elected to serve as officers for the year 1988-89 were: John Payne -President; Jim Feeley – Vice President; Bettsy Fraser -Secretary; Sue Wilkerson -Treasurer; Carlton Curtis -Chaplain; Jim Jones -Fire Chief; John Payne -Assistant Chief; Bruce Williams -Captain; Dennis Passmore -First Lieutenant; Wade McGhee -Second Lieutenant; Herman Harlow –Chief Mechanic; and Three Year Director -Herman Harlow.

The brush truck was part of the Presidential Parade in Washington, D.C. in September of 1988. The popular Halloween party was held. A committee was appointed to check into the purchase of a new truck. In December, a propane tanker overturned at the intersection of Routes 688 and 732. A letter from Commonwealth Propane said: “The responsive and professional manner in which your company handled this situation was greatly appreciated, and we wish to make the enclosed contribution to your company to do with as you see fit.”.

A new fire report titled “VFIRS” was distributed and was to be followed for all incidents. The company got a two-channel base radio station in March. Street names and signs were beginning to be installed in anticipation of the E-911 system. In December, it vas decided that a special meeting should be held prior to a regular meeting to determine any special needs of the company or major purchases over $5,000.00 or anything which would place the company in debt. There were 136 calls in the past year.

The following were elected to serve as officers for 1989-90 President -Jim Feeley; Vice President -Rudasill Hume; Secretary -Bettsy Fraser; Treasurer –Dennis Passmore; Chaplain -Carlton Curtis; Fire Chief –Jim Jones; Assistant Chief-John Payne; Captain -Bruce Williams First Lieutenant -Dennis Passmore; Second Lieutenant -Sandy McCullough; Chief Mechanic -Herman Harlow; and Three Year Director -Rudasill Hume. In September, Dennis Passmore resigned as Treasurer and First Lieutenant. Bettsy Fraser assumed the office of Treasurer. Sandy McCullough assumed the office of First Lieutenant until his resignation in January. At that time, Charlie Youngs agreed to serve as First Lieutenant. The office of Second Lieutenant remained vacant for the remainder of the term.

In February of 1990 the Ladies Auxiliary had the following members: Joan Blackwell, Janie Harlow, Clara Putnam, Margaret Skellie, and Thelma Williams. Throughout the years they have been very active in their support of the fire company with very generous donations of time and money.

In 1989-90 the company purchased a house generator, which was provided by a generous member of the community. The brush truck was upgraded. Well-equipped toolboxes were purchased for each truck. Two chain saws were purchased to use for clearing trees from roads. There were 111 calls for the year.

The following were elected to serve as officers for the year 1990-91. President -Rudasill Hume; Vice President -Jim Feeley; Secretary -Bettsy Fraser; Treasurer -Bill Dugan; Chaplain -Rev. Barbara Minter; Fire Chief -Jim Jones; Assistant Chief -Bruce Williams; Captain -John Payne; First Lieutenant -Charlie Youngs; Second Lieutenant -Bill Duqan; Chief Mechanic -Herman Harlow; and Three Year Director -Marshall Putnam.

Smoke and heat detectors were installed in the main building. Charter member Wesley Blackwell passed away. The company made the decision to purchase a new (to us) truck, which was for sale by the Strasburg Fire Department. It was decided to keep the reserve engine, which was housed at various members’ barns. The new red truck was known as Wagon 11, the yellow truck was designated as Engine 11. The Halloween party for the community was held. A new computer was donated to the Company by IBM through the help of Jim Feeley. Thoughts were being expressed about the need for a new building. The house generator was put to good use and appreciated during the storms of January 1991. New insulated bay doors were installed. The company received a used Sheriff’s Office car, which wias used for medical assist calls, and to transport members to meetings and classes. The company went forward with plans for a new building to house both rolling stock and equipment. Dave Booth was very instrumental in acquiring all the permits and meeting with the various officials involved in the addition. The new building was begun in the spring and finished in August. It provided housing for the engine, utility, and car. The wagon, tanker, and brush trucks remained in the main building. Janie Harlow joined the company in March, transferring from the Ladies Auxiliary.

The following were elected to serve as officers for the year 1991-92. President -Rudasill Hume; Vice President -Jim Feeley; Secretary -Bettsy Fraser; Treasurer -Herman Harlow; Chaplain to be appointed by the President; Fire Chief -Jim Jones; Assistant Chief -Bruce Williams; First Lieutenant – John Payne; Second Lieutenant -Wade McGhee; Chief Mechanic -Herman Harlow; and Three Year Director -Herman Harlow.

Reverend Barbara Minter again agreed to serve as Chaplain. The locust trees were cut down and replaced by new trees, oaks, pin oaks, and red maples. Construction of the annex was completed. Charter Members Marshall Putnam and CarIton Curtis were awarded Honorary Membership for their many years of exemplary service. The By-laws were revised in 1992. The previous By-laws had served well for twenty years. A new LP gas tank was installed. Fauquier County hired three paramedic firefighters to serve the county in the North, Central, and South areas. Gutters were installed around the main building. The drains were buried and directed into a cistern placed behind the annex to be used as a water supply. A workbench was built in the annex, and various tools were purchased. An air compressor was installed serving both buildings to assist with raising the trucks for tire chain installation. The reserve engine was designated for use on brush tires. There were 150 calls for the year.

The following members were elected to serve as officers for the year 1992-93. President -Rudasill Hume; Vice President -Bill Duqan; Secretary -Bettsy Fraser; Treasurer -Janie Harlow; Chaplain -Dave Booth; Fire Chief -Jim Jones; Assistant Chief -Bruce Williams; Captain -Charlie Younqs; First Lieutenant -John Payne; Second Lieutenant -Joel Thomas; Chief Mechanic -Herman Harlow; and Three Year Director -Jim Jones.

The final update of the By-laws was distributed, read, and accepted by the company. John Payne resigned as First Lieutenant. Joel Thomas was elected to finish the term as First Lieutenant, and Bill Dugan was elected to finish the term as Second Lieutenant. The company accepted the contract with Fauquier County. In December, the Equipment Fund was started. Moneys were invested in a separate account with the express purpose of purchasing mobile equipment. The guidelines for Chaplain were accepted as written by Dave Booth and incorporated into the By-laws. There were 130 calls for the year.

The following were elected to serve as officers for the year 1993-94. President -Rudasill Hume; Vice President -Bill Dugan; Secretary -Bettsy Fraser; Treasurer -Janie Harlow; Chaplain -Dave Booth; Fire Chief -Jim Jones; Assistant Chief –Bruce Williams; Captain -Charlie Youngs; First Lieutenant – Joel Thomas; Second Lieutenant -Bill Dugan; Chief Mechanic -Herman Harlow; and Three Year Director -Rudasill Hume.

The annual Halloween party was held. A proposed amendment to the By-laws defining Associate Member was passed .The Board of Directors recommended that the company operate each year on the funds received from Fauquier County, and to put whatever remained from the previous year into the Equipment Fund. The proposal was approved by the membership. The light pole was moved across the parking area. This arrangement provided lighting to both the gas pump area and the front entrance. The company received a generous gift from the estate of Harold Williams, uncle of Bruce Williams. The utility van was moved to ‘our Hume substation,’ the residence of John Ray Kerns to provide the area with a first response fire and medical person. With the approval of the company, Captain Charlie Youngs and First Lieutenant Joel Thomas traded offices. The Ladies’ Auxiliary was no longer active. Charter Member Marshall Putnam passed away. It was anticipated that the E-911 system would start in January of 1995. A picture of Company 11 was featured in an article about Fire and Rescue companies in ‘Virginia Fire News’ magazine. There were 145 calls during the year.

The following members were elected to serve as officers for the year 1994-95. President -Rudasill Hume; Vice President -Bill Dugan; Secretary -Bettsy Fraser; Treasurer -Janie Harlow; Chaplain –Dave Booth; Fire Chief -Jim Jones; Assistant Chief -Bruce Williams; Captain -Joel Thomas; First Lieutenant -John Ray Kerns; Second Lieutenant -Curtis Wurth; Chief Mechanic -Herman Harlow; andThree Year Director -Herman Harlow.

The Equipment Fund continued to grow and members were beginning to have serious discussions about a new truck. The annual Halloween party continued to be a success. A Sawzall was purchased as part of the equipment for the engine. The company made the decision to allow the Head of the Rental Committee, the President, or the Chief to make an emergency decision about renting the hall. The E-911 system was started with house numbers and street names being clarified. The Company passed inspection to quality as a “First Responder Agency” in the event of a medical emergency. Photographs of the current equipment were purchased and hung in the main meeting room. An Automatic External Defibulator became part of the medical equipment. There were 120 calls for the year.

The following were elected to serve as officers for the year 1995-96. President -Rudasill Hume; Vice President -Bill Dugan; Secretary -Bettsy Fraser; Treasurer -Janie Harlow; Chaplain -Dave Booth; Fire Chief -Jim Jones; Assistant Chief -Bruce Williams; Captain -Joel Thomas; First Lieutenant -Jack Furr; Second Lieutenant -John Ray Kerns; Chief Mechanic – Billy Jenkins; and Three Year Director -Bruce Williams.

Windows were installed in the basement. The annual Halloween party was held for the community. Duty nights were instituted with a Line Officer assigned to be in charge each night. In January, all companies in the county received computers, Fax machines, and laser printers. The siren was put onto a timer, and will not sound between 11 P.M. and 6 A.M. Members of the company assisted in the delivery of a baby in a January snowstorm (the first). A new chain saw was purchased. It was used and appreciated by the firefighters while clearing downed trees following a windstorm. A leaf blower was purchased for the brush truck. There was a special meeting with a representative from Pierce about a new pumper. The compressor was replaced on the white refrigerator. Dave Booth resigned as Chaplain. There were 165 calls for the year.

The following were elected to serve as officers for the year 1996-97: President -Rudasill Hume; Vice President -Bill Dugan; Secretary -Bettsy Fraser; Treasurer -Janie Harlow; Chaplain -John Collins; Fire Chief -Jim Jones; Assistant Chief – Bruce Williams; Captain -Joel Thomas; First Lieutenant -John Ray Kerns; Second Lieutenant -Billy Jenkins; Chief Mechanic Herman Harlow; and Three Year Director -Rudasill Hume.

Plans were proceeding for the possible purchase of a new pumper. There was a change in the By-laws for the Company to operate on a calendar year instead of a fiscal year. This meant that officers elected for 1996-97 would stay in office through August until the elections in December .The new officers would be take office on January first, as it would be the beginning of a new calendar year. The company approved the use of the hall by a troop of local Boy Scouts. In October, a special meeting was held to discuss the proposed purchase of a new fire truck and other pertinent matters. The motion to purchase the new pumper was unanimously approved, along with the purchase of an extrication tool. The Equipment Fund was significantly depleted due to the purchase of the new truck. A rental agreement was written and accepted by the membership. The new Pierce pumper was driven back to the Company by three members in May of 1997. The truck was “paid in full” through the hard work and dedication of the firefighters, and with the support of the community.

The Orlean Volunteer Fire Department has been and continues to be a family oriented organization with many family members serving the community by being Members of the Fire Department, Ladies’ Auxiliary, and Junior Members.